The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, the drama, fantasy, horror TV series from Netflix is back for its 3rd season on the 24th of January 2020. The new series will play tracks from artists like Chris Payne, Suvi, and The Beta Band. You can listen to the complete list of credited songs and the season 3 soundtrack below.
Episode 1 - Chapter Twenty-One: The Hellbound Heart - 24th January
Episode 2 - Chapter Twenty-Two: Drag Me to Hell - 24th January
Episode 3 - Chapter Twenty-Three: Heavy Is the Crown - 24th January
Episode 4 - Chapter Twenty-Four: The Hare Moon - 24th January
Episode 5 - Chapter Twenty-Five: The Devil Within - 24th January
Episode 6 - Chapter Twenty-Six: All of Them Witches - 24th January
Episode 7 - Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Judas Kiss - 24th January
Episode 8 - Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sabrina Is Legend - 24th January
My Sharona (feat. Jaz Sinclair) - Cast of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina & Ross Lynch
Teenage Dirtbag (feat. Jaz Sinclair & Lachlan Watson) - Cast of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina & Ross Lynch
The Song of Purple Summer (feat. Kiernan Shipka, Miranda Otto, Lucy Davis, Chance Perdomo, Tati Gabrielle, Adeline Rudolph, Abigail Cowen, Tyler Cotton & Emily Haine) - Cast of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
By the Sea (feat. Lucy Davis & Alessandro Juliani) - Cast of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Hey Mickey (feat. Kiernan Shipka, Jaz Sinclair & Jasmine Vega) - Cast of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Tender Shepherd (feat. Lucy Davis, Miranda Otto, Chance Perdomo & Tati Gabrielle) - Cast of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina