Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings is an animation, adventure, comedy movie directed by Arnaud Bouron, and Antoon Krings. The film features one of the best film scores from multi-award winner composer Bruno Coulais. Check and listen to the official movie soundtrack and the complete list of songs below.
La Vie en rose – Kate Mara and Justin Long
The Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings trailer does not feature any songs, please let us know if you think we are incorrect.
1. Prélude 2:52
2. Repas frugal 2:02
3. l’Agitation de la ruche 2:56
4. Le Show d’Apollon 1:51
5. Apollon chante 1:42
6. Le Chant des nuisibles 1:19
7. Sous la voute céleste 1:27
8. Le Piège de Wendy 2:01
9. les Soldats frelons 2:48
10. Au delà du pont 2:57
11. Échos 2:53
12. Au calme 3:14
13. Le Rodéo 1:04
14. Nous sommes les meilleurs ! 1:35
15. Le Combat final 1:31
16. Vive la Reine !!! 1:22
17. La vie en rose by (Emmanuel Curtil / Anne Tilloy) 1:48
Total Album Time: 35:22
Release Date
11th January 2019
Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Score Composer
Bruno Coulais
Music Supervisor