Rampant (Chang-gwol) is an action, horror film directed by Sung-hoon Kim. It was released on November 2, 2018. The movie comes with a soundtrack that contains 18 tracks from composer Inyoung Park. You can listen to the official movie soundtrack and the complete list of credited songs below. Also, check out the official movie trailer.
The complete list of songs will be available soon.
The Rampant movie trailer does not feature any songs, please let us know if you think we are incorrect.
1. The Return of the Prince 2:26
2. Last One Standing 2:33
3. Battle at the Foreign Ship 1:37
4. King’s Bedchamber 1:28
5. Battle Against the Palace Guards (Inyoung Park & Brandon Jung) 3:28
6. Death of Concubine Cho 2:06
7. The Outbreak 2:18
8. The Prison (Brandon Jung) 1:53
9. General Infected 2:47
10. The Encounter 1:51
11. Haksu’s Death 1:58
12. Nocturne 1:34
13. The Palace After the Outbreak 1:10
14. The Sacrifice 3:19
15. Prince Beats the Drum 2:49
16. Fire Arrow (Brandon Jung) 2:07
17. Final Duel 2:45
18. Torches of Salvation 1:30
Total Album Time: 39:39
Release Date
2nd November 2018
Action, Horror
Score Composer
Inyoung Park
Music Supervisor