Invisible Hands, a critically acclaimed documentary directed by Shraysi Tandon was released in the United States on the 23rd of November 2018. The film score by composer Sofia Hultquist comprises 20 songs. You can check out and listen to the official soundtrack, trailer, and complete list of credited songs below.
The complete list of songs will be available soon.
The Invisible Hands trailer does not feature any songs, please let us know if you think we are incorrect.
1. Rescue Mission 4:58
2. Costs Low, Profits High 2:21
3. Extend Shelf Life 5:57
4. The Mill 0:43
5. Willful Ignorance 3:06
6. Multilayer Supply Chain 1:01
7. Lombok & Nicotine 4:42
8. Tobacco in the U.S. 3:24
9. Pesticide Drift 2:02
10. Cocoa Fields 4:51
11. What is Chocolate? 3:09
12. Your Poverty Will Vanish 1:10
13. Undercover & Negotiation 2:20
14. Going In 1:27
15. Chinese Economics 0:48
16. Education & Loopholes 1:42
17. Bonded Employees 1:33
18. Mica Mines 0:52
19. Freeing Children 1:17
20. Confidence Returns 3:13
Total Album Time: 50:36
Release Date
23rd November 2018
Score Composer
Sofia Hultquist
Music Supervisor