Iceman is a drama film directed by Felix Randau set to be released in the United States on the 15th of March 2019. The movie is also set to feature one of the year’s most promising soundtrack done by composer Beat Soler. You can check out and listen to the official movie soundtrack and the complete list of credited song below.
The complete list of songs will be available soon.
The Iceman movie trailer does not feature any songs, please let us know if you think we are incorrect.
. Prolog 0:55
2. Abschied 1:33
3. Aufbruch 1:12
4. Sonne 1:25
5. Nacht 1:34
6. Mord 3:27
7. Kind 2:06
8. Schlucht 1:21
9. Ritual 1:15
10. Fährte 3:54
11. See 1:25
12. Feind 0:54
13. Gletscher 1:18
14. Wald 2:01
15. Gipfel 2:04
16. Kampf 1:04
17. Bahla 2:38
18. Berg 1:27
19. Schneesturm 1:46
20. Friede 4:11
Total Album Time: 37:30
Release Date
15th March 2019
Score Composer
Beat Soler
Music Supervisor