In 2023, renowned filmmaker Guy Ritchie once again stamped his distinctive mark on the cinematic world with his latest creation, “The Covenant.” This film not only brought to the table Ritchie’s signature directorial flair but also introduced a sonic landscape that was every bit as innovative and immersive, the “The Covenant” Soundtrack. The compilation is a diverse palette of musical ingenuity, comprised of numerous tracks that perfectly mirror the eclectic and dynamic nature of Ritchie’s filmmaking style.
You can find where to stream The Covenent here.
“A Horse With No Name” by America
“Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress)” by The Hollies
“Truth” by Alex Ebert
“Say What You Want” by White Denim
“Thunder Continues in the Aftermath” by Kronos Quartet
“Darkness Falls” by Toby Fox
“Farkhâr Chi Khush-u Khush Havây Dâra Janam (My Sweetheart, How Delightful is the Weather in Farkhar)” by The Ensemble of Rahim Takhari