Betty is a comedy TV series from HBO which premiered on the 1st of May 2020. The 1st season is packed with tracks from artists like Letherette, A$AP Rocky, and Sault. You can check out and listen to the complete list of credited songs and the season 1 soundtrack below.
Episode 1 - Key Party - 1st May 2020
Episode 2 - Zen and the Art of Skateboarding - 8th May 2020
Episode 3 - Happy Birthday, Tyler - 15th May 2020
Episode 4 - The Tombs - 22nd May 2020
Episode 5 - Perstephanie - 29th May 2020
Episode 6 - Ladies on Fire - 5th June 2020
Betty - Aska Matsumiya
Vibez - Aska Matsumiya
Space Ride - Aska Matsumiya
Why Not Bambi - Aska Matsumiya
Anxiety Attack - Aska Matsumiya
Chinatown Quest - Aska Matsumiya
Strawberry Field - Aska Matsumiya
The Sound - Aska Matsumiya
Feeling Blues Cloud - Aska Matsumiya
No Jordan - Aska Matsumiya
No Chill - Aska Matsumiya
Hypnotism - Bebel Matsumiya
AMNSA - Rosehardt
Strangers - Ruby Haunt
One of the Girls - Otha
Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex
Djougou Toro - Volta Jazz