A Black Lady Sketch Show, HBO's newest sketch comedy show is set to premiere on the 2nd of August 2019. The TV show also promises to include a full-pack list of songs from world-class performers. Check-out and listen to the complete list of songs and the official TV series soundtrack below.
Episode 1 - Angela Bassett Is the Baddest Bitch - 2nd August
Episode 2 - Your Boss Knows You Don't Have Eyebrows - 9th August
Episode 3 - 3rd & Bonaparte Is Always in the Shade - 16th August
Episode 4 - Where Are My Background Singers? - 23rd August
Episode 5 - Why Are Her Pies Wet, Lord? - 30th August
Episode 6 - Born at Night, But Not Last Night - 6th September
My Type - Saweetie
Hot Girl - Megan Thee Stallion